We’re invested in Earth2.io and committed to creating interactive experiences to the end users of the metaverse.

We were introduced to Earth2.io in late December of 2020, and were immediately flooded with the possibilities this platform held.  Since then we have amassed over 15000 tiles, consisting of over 600 individual plots of land.  

We plan on creating interactive entertainment options for end users, by providing property owners a means to draw and retain visitors and in turn methods of monetization of content we create. 

The Earth2 project we have been currently devoting time to is a mutiplayer arena game. It is currently in an Alpha phase, and needs some bug corrections, and some serious polishing.  Since this game is currently aimed to be Earth2 only and not planned to be released in any other form, bug corrections and polishing is on a timer permitting basis. 

We have plans to release this game package within the Earth2.io platform once the developers release SDK’s for use within the world. 

Image displayed is an in game capture of a stand alone alpha build, and is not indicative of the final product, nor does it reflect the Earth2.io platform’s graphical capabilities.